yuuwell has been using Hyperice products to full satisfaction for years. From a joint mission to help everyone on earth to move better, to live better, to become better and to come into balance in terms of well-being, a collaboration has arisen.

In the collaboration, yuuwell makes it possible to let everyone experience the  benefits and values of the products to everyone we treat during the Immersive sensory relaxation treatment.

There is still a lot of room for innovation in the field of corporate wellness. yuuwell, with its treatments, products, and services, will push the boundaries to better serve every employee – so they can do their job happier, rested and more energized.

We enter partnerships with companies that have the same mission and vision.

Use this unique discount code YUUWELL10 to purchase Hyperice
products with 10% discount in the Benelux – www.hypericenordic.com/nl/